Forum rules

Read the rules and keep it!
GP2 Star
Posts: 1168
Joined: 08.09.2006, 16:14
Location: Germany

Forum rules

Post by HF »

!!! UPDATE !!!

Rules for the use of this forum (approval through registration)

At these rules, every user must hold himself!

If an user repeats breaking these rules, he will get an animadversion. After you got the third animadversion you will be banned from this forum.

No User is permitted to publish any types of unconstitutional contents (in accordance with the German right).This means any types of texts, pictures, videos, audiofiles etc. That includes the files you can upload and add to your posts

No user is allowed to insult or attack another person, neither another user nor another real person.
Of course disputes can be led, however not with offensive wrongs etc.
Joking gibes should be clearly marked with the use of those smilys: :P or :wink: or :mrgreen:

The right to delete commentaries remains reserved for the moderators and administrators. Would it be because of the offence against the rules or of any other reason.

Every user should use a rational as possible English.

The opinions of other persons and/or users, which do not harmonize with the own opinion, have to be respected!

The published texts and posts only reflects the writers opinion as soon as nothing else was explicit noted (e.g. with the "quote"-tag)!

The indicated data of the user may not be transmitted to a third.

Nobody is allowed to publish so-called spam. Such contributions will be deleted immediately without any commentary.
Nobody is allowed to generate so-called "Fake-accounts”. Such accounts are deleted immediately without any commentary.

The administrator reserves the right to be not responsible for the correctness, completeness or quality of the provided information.

The administrator reserves the right to change or remove any contributions and/or commentarys at any time.

Although always have been talked about the masculine sex, the rules applies also to the feminine sex!

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Please send me a PM if there are mistakes with the language!
Last edited by HF on 22.04.2007, 18:41, edited 1 time in total.