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DosBox settings

Posted: 31.01.2023, 23:13
by GP2Joey

Im trying to run Michael82s Monaco track in my @GP2Joey fictional career but man it is EATING up the "O" settings!
Can anyone give me their DosBox ECE settings so I can see how different they are to mine?
A few people posted to me on twitter and suggested a few changes which I have made but it still doesnt run smoothly...
Just tried to run the race but the game froze on the 9th lap!
BTW what a track!!! The detail Michael is just AMAZING!!! Thank you for all the hard work!
Just wish I could get it to run without issue! lol

Thanks folks!

Re: DosBox settings

Posted: 10.02.2023, 10:17
by Aerond
do you mean the framerate from inside or outside the car -track cameras-?

Re: DosBox settings

Posted: 11.02.2023, 12:34
by GP2Joey
outside tv cameras and frame rate buddy

Re: DosBox settings

Posted: 11.02.2023, 14:50
by MalteseFalcon
Hi mate, it's me again :wink:

Just gonna throw in some more ideas / questions...

Q1) Does the external camera run slowly when you are simply playing the game or only when you are recording?

Q2) What software do you use to record your game?

I use OBS studio to stream my GP2 "Simtek Challenge" content. I play the game in 1280x720 then use the OBS software to upscale the output to 2560x1440. It works pretty well, check it out - (Btw, if you could subscribe to my channel I would be eternally grateful!)

So my idea is, try run the game at a lower resolution (e.g. 1280x720) as this might help your "O" issues when playing/recording. If it does, then maybe you can record at this lower resolution and then upscale afterwards? Heck, you could even try run DosBox in GP2's native resolution of 640x480.

Worth a go I reckon!

Re: DosBox settings

Posted: 12.02.2023, 18:08
by GP2Joey
hey man thanks for getting in touch!
Of course I will sub to your channel!
Have you already done so with mine> If not, give it a go!

OK, so to answer your questions...

Q1) Does the external camera run slowly when you are simply playing the game or only when you are recording? Its a little of both but mainly the external TV view - especially if I use one of the newer tracks and not the original game copies.

Q2) What software do you use to record your game? I use OBS too.

I use OBS studio to stream my GP2 "Simtek Challenge" content. I play the game in 1280x720 then use the OBS software to upscale the output to 2560x1440. It works pretty well, check it out - (Btw, if you could subscribe to my channel I would be eternally grateful!) How do you upscale in OBS?

So my idea is, try run the game at a lower resolution (e.g. 1280x720) as this might help your "O" issues when playing/recording. If it does, then maybe you can record at this lower resolution and then upscale afterwards? Heck, you could even try run DosBox in GP2's native resolution of 640x480. How to I set the game to a lower resolution of 1280x720 then upscale?

Re: DosBox settings

Posted: 12.02.2023, 21:08
by MalteseFalcon
Hi Joey. Yeah I've been subscribed to your channel for ages! (Big fan!)

Running GP2 in it's native resolution
To test the theory, first I would run the game in it's native resolution. To do this open your DosBox settings and change the following two lines to:

Code: Select all

fullresolution   = 640x480
windowresolution = 640x480
Start GP2, if you've not already, switch to windowed mode (ALT + ENTER). Load a race replay on a track that has given you issues in the past. Is the game now running any better when viewing the external camera? I believe your "O" percent should now generally be lower and this should help reduce (or hopefully eliminate) any slow-mo.

If the above has improved things, you can try recording and upscaling (See below). If the above hasn't helped I'm struggling for any more ideas tbh.

Recording and Upscaling
In OBS, go to File > Settings > Video and set both your Base Resolution and Output Resolution to 1920x1080.

Now when you start GP2, OBS will probably display the game in the preview area too small and not centered. To fix this click on the game image so it's highlighted in red, now right click on the game image and click Transform > Fit to screen. (See below)


Next you need to right click the game image again and this time click Scale filtering > Area.

Last tip, if you have an Nvidia graphics card, go to File > Settings > Output > Recording. Change the Encoder setting to Hardware NVENC H.264. This will take the strain off your CPU when you're recording and instead utilise your graphics card to do most of the heavy lifting. If you can't see this setting, don't worry about it.

Finally, you should now be ready to do a proper recording test. Good luck!

Re: DosBox settings

Posted: 15.02.2023, 19:10
by GP2Joey
thanks so much buddy! Will test those settings out over the next week and get back to you...