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Posted: 04.08.2011, 16:59
by rremedio
What about a brief guide about how to setup F1GP on WinXP (maybe Win7 too)?

I think of making the same for GP32K, the best game in the series imo (anyway, I play much more GP2 :) ).


Re: Starting?

Posted: 05.08.2011, 02:48
by racer63
rremedio wrote:What about a brief guide about how to setup F1GP on WinXP (maybe Win7 too)?

I think of making the same for GP32K, the best game in the series imo (anyway, I play much more GP2 :) ).

I don´t have problems with F1GP. I can play it right from a fresh install in WinXP. I mean that I think it´s the easier game of the series to configure for XP.

I don´t know if GP32K is the best in the series. For me is GP2. Call me fanatic, madman or watheover, but this is not the topic of this thread anyway. :mrgreen:

Re: Starting?

Posted: 05.08.2011, 03:00
by rremedio
F1GP didn't work here the last time I've tried. Have to try again soon.

Re: Starting?

Posted: 05.08.2011, 14:19
by Peze
F1GP has worked ok with me, but I had to do some configuration changes for dosbox on friend's PC to work it properly.

Haven't tried GP32K, but GP3 has most problematic in XP for me, but works (most of the time). Actually guide could be helpful on this matter for me.

Stubbornly I still prefer GP2 :D

Why in this thread you need to be logged in?

Re: Starting?

Posted: 05.08.2011, 17:08
by HF
Peze wrote:Why in this thread you need to be logged in?
Dunno, I'll sort this out!

Re: Starting?

Posted: 14.08.2011, 18:50
by RacerBG
To make F1GP running properly in every windows make this :arrow:

1. Use DOSBOX 0.74
2. Set the cycles in the config file to 8000-10 000
3. Have fun. :)

Re: Starting?

Posted: 14.08.2011, 20:38
by rremedio
RacerBG wrote:To make F1GP running properly in every windows make this :arrow:

1. Use DOSBOX 0.74
2. Set the cycles in the config file to 8000-10 000
3. Have fun. :)
I must give it a try next week. :)

Re: Starting?

Posted: 14.08.2011, 21:28
by rremedio
Well, it runs nicely with VDMS in my pc. I don't know why it didn't work before. :D

Re: Starting?

Posted: 24.08.2011, 19:03
by MaxX
I`m also using DosBox on my Win7 machine and all is fine.

Great fun, great memories, great game.