Search found 8 matches

by Nimrod1111
04.02.2021, 23:44
Forum: The GP2 Forum Off Topic
Topic: São Paulo Grand Prix
Replies: 4
Views: 14962

Re: São Paulo Grand Prix

Jacarepaguà has been demolished, so you'll never have a Rio Grand Prix anymore. :-k
by Nimrod1111
23.01.2021, 19:08
Forum: Forum
Topic: Fictional 2021 carset
Replies: 12
Views: 13876

Re: Fictional 2021 carset

You said elsewhere you can understand Portuguese? I'd like to suggest a long-read from an excellent and disenchanted Brazillian F1 blogger, where he supports the idea of F1 grids with 40 cars. And he was right. This guy f...
by Nimrod1111
22.01.2021, 20:30
Forum: General Forum / Requests
Topic: Players Grip Factor on GP2 Edit
Replies: 10
Views: 11976

Re: Players Grip Factor on GP2 Edit

So, I increase CCs grip TOO. Uhm...Maybe the only way is to decrease AI drivers' grip. That's absurd to be taken by a Maki -_- Yes, the setup is awful, and if you follow the instructions in the manual you don't solve too much. Playing with keyboard obviously doesn't help (same problem of GPlegends)...
by Nimrod1111
22.01.2021, 18:39
Forum: General Forum / Requests
Topic: Players Grip Factor on GP2 Edit
Replies: 10
Views: 11976

Re: Players Grip Factor on GP2 Edit

So, if I set a value below 198, in theory should I get more and more grip? I don't know if I set AI grip too high, but in the slow turn even the slowest cars go TOO MUCH faster than me. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) . Example: car power is 760/770 for my car and the best CCs. Ai grip of the best CC driver is a...
by Nimrod1111
21.01.2021, 22:18
Forum: General Forum / Requests
Topic: Menuhelmet template?
Replies: 9
Views: 11424

Re: Menuhelmet template?

If you could get an old copy of a Corel Paint Shop Pro, this would be THE perfect program for GP2 (you can easily manage all the palettes).
Consider it like a very enhanced MSPaint.
I have installed GIMP, but I still use PSP 9 because I don't understand the new program :lol: :lol: :lol:
by Nimrod1111
21.01.2021, 22:14
Forum: General Forum / Requests
Topic: Players Grip Factor on GP2 Edit
Replies: 10
Views: 11976

Re: Players Grip Factor on GP2 Edit

So, if I set a value below 198, in theory should I get more and more grip? I don't know if I set AI grip too high, but in the slow turn even the slowest cars go TOO MUCH faster than me. ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) . Example: car power is 760/770 for my car and the best CCs. Ai grip of the best CC driver is ar...
by Nimrod1111
17.01.2021, 22:32
Forum: The GP2 Forum Off Topic
Topic: Members info - please write in!
Replies: 106
Views: 263828

Re: Members info - please write in!

Hi guys \:D/ . This is my first post here.. Name: Marco Living place: Padova, Italy Age: 30 My first game was STRANGELY a Microprose one, F-19 stealth fighter (superb game!). My father bought it when i was 12 years old O_O Simulation career (LOL): PC: Accolade Grand Prix (fuck Travis Daye), Accolad...
by Nimrod1111
17.01.2021, 22:30
Forum: The GP2 Forum Off Topic
Topic: Happy New Year
Replies: 6
Views: 19375

Re: Happy New Year

Happy new year! Yeah , I'm back but I lost my old password ](*,) ](*,) ](*,) .